
11.18.2015 Budget Meeting Press Release

ICPR to Governor, Leaders: Skip Hour Long Opening Remarks, Proceed Directly to Budget Talks at Dec. 1st Meeting

Last week, ICPR and other leading Illinois reform organizations called on Governor Rauner to propose a bipartisan agenda for the upcoming budget meeting with the legislative leaders, now scheduled for December 1st. On Friday, Governor Rauner circulated a letter outlining a tentative agenda for the meeting, which allots the first hour for individual statements by each meeting participant. ICPR and other signing reform groups believe that proceeding directly to open budget discussions between the Governor and leaders would ensure a more productive meeting.

The groups recommend focusing on recently released bipartisan budget proposals as a starting point for budget talks. ICPR Board Chair Hon. Susan Garrett believes that “these proposals could serve as an important framework and jump-start the budget negotiation process.” Copies of ICPR’s letter were distributed to the Governor and legislative leaders’ offices on Wednesday. Click here for a copy of Governor Rauner’s letter. Click here for a copy of ICPR’s letter.

ICPR, the League of Women Voters of Illinois, Business and Professional People for the Public Interest, the Citizen Advocacy Center, Illinois PIRG, and CHANGE Illinois were signers on the letter.


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