
Action Needed on SB 248 for Increased Disclosure in Campaigns


On Friday, June 26, SB 248 was sent to Governor Rauner to be signed. The Governor now has 60 days to either sign or veto the bill. Throughout the process of passing SB 248, ICPR has been proud to have the support of many of our fellow reform groups and advocates on this bill.

This was the only campaign finance bill to pass this session, and now we need your help to see it become law. To express your support for this important initiative, you can submit a short note on the Governor’s online feedback form. When you visit the site, select “other” in the options drop-down menu and mention the bill number in your response. Here are a few important benefits of SB 248:

  • The bill was sponsored by Senators Julie Morrison and Matt Murphy to ensure the bill had bipartisan support in the Senate, and we consider it a step in the right direction for reporters, voters, and anyone who follows campaigns, regardless of party affiliation.
  • This bill will give voters an accurate account of the money being spent by PACs and IE Committees not only during election season, but throughout the year. Current reporting requirements leave a significant amount of Independent Expenditures unreported prior to Election Day, and reporters and voters have requested that this loophole be closed.
  • SB 248 adds a year-round reporting requirement of 5 business days for any Independent Expenditure over $1,000, and increases the pre-election reporting requirement to 2 business days within 60 days of an election or primary.
  • This reflects similar reporting requirements for contributions and coordinated expenditures, and acknowledges the important role that Independent Expenditures play in today’s elections.
We appreciate your help, and encourage you to contact our office with any questions. Thank you for your continued support of ICPR.


Reform for Illinois
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Suite 410 #1459
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 436-1274
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