
All Eyes are on Chicago’s Runoff Election!

With just over two weeks left until Election Day, the Chicago Mayoral race is catching the eye of national news.New York Times article this weekend outlined the historic nature of this race and the different messaging coming from both cunnamedampaigns. Commissioner Chuy Garcia was quoted as saying, “I think the whole country’s watching Chicago,” noting that the election results may have “implications for the Democratic Party and elections next year in terms of Congress and the presidency.” 

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, on the other hand, chose to distance himself from labels and party politics as both candidates vie for centrist voters. Emanuel said, “I never measured anything by where it sat on the idealogical spectrum.” Rather, he says, “I measured: ‘Did it work? And did it work for the people that needed the benefit?’ That’s how I look at it.” The entire article outlining recent campaigning strategies can be found here.

No matter the result, this election has brought to light many interesting issues and power struggles that leave room for interpretation and discussion. Our upcoming “Chicago Politics in Transition” forum will provide analysis on these issues from a panel of experts in polling, demographics, Chicago politics, and more. We hope you will join us for this opportunity for analysis.

Click here to view the invitation and purchase your tickets today.


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