
Attorney General Candidates Address Conflicts of Interest, Sexual Harassment, Gun Violence

ICPR’s Attorney General candidate forum was featured in this article.

Via – The Columbia Chronicle

“After Lisa Madigan announced she would not seek re-election in 2017, a plethora of candidates have entered the March 20 primary to succeed her.

All 10 candidates met at a March 7 forum at the Union League Club of Chicago, 65 Jackson Blvd., where they discussed gun control, conflicts of interest in campaign funding and methods to address sexual harassment in the capitol. The panel included Democrats Scott Drury, Sharon Fairley, Aaron Goldstein, Renato Mariotti, Pat Quinn, Kwame Raoul, Nancy Rotering and Jesse Ruiz, and Republicans Gary Grasso and Erika Harold.

Organized by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, the debate was moderated by NBC Chicago’s Carol Marin. “

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