Bernard Schoenburg: Independent Redistricting Proposal Could be on 2016 Ballot
via the State Journal Register
Separate pushes to change the way state legislative maps are drawn in Illinois are underway.
One of the five “turnaround agenda” priorities that Gov. BRUCE RAUNER seeks is to have an independent commission instead of the legislature draw the maps. He wants the General Assembly to forward a proposed constitutional amendment on the issue to the voters.
The Independent Maps campaign is a nonpartisan group taking up the same issue, trying to get it on the November 2016 ballot by collecting more than 290,000 valid signatures. The group has similar goals but is different from the Yes for Independent Maps group that collected signatures toward such a vote in 2014. That group pulled the plug that year after a Cook County Circuit Court ruling found part of the proposal unconstitutional. There had also been questions about the number of valid signatures.