
Can Mayoral Challengers Step Up to Give Emanuel a Run for His Money?

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Via – Suburban Chicagoland

“With the election still over nine months away, all eyes are focused on who will be elected Chicago’s next Mayor in 2019. Money is already flowing into the race, with incumbent Rahm Emanuel’s campaign reporting $2.8 million in contributions for the month of April. When Willie Wilson wrote himself a check for $100,000, he lifted contribution limits from the race, allowing candidates to take in unlimited amounts of money from any source.

Currently, all candidates combined have just over $5 million in cash on hand for next year’s election. Emanuel has $4.7 million on hand, 18 times more than the combined total of his challengers. While many expect the election in 2019 to be difficult for Emanuel, he currently maintains a significant financial advantage over his opponents.”

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