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Cash For Votes or Mistake? $300,000 Cash Given Away as Illinois Political Event

ICPR was mentioned in this article.

Via – Citizen Truth

“Politicians paying for votes is nothing new, but it has perhaps never been as brash as it was last Sunday when at an event headlined by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and Chicago Mayoral candidate officials handed out $300,000 in cash.

The incident took place at a Sunday Church service on Chicago’s South Side where Rauner told the crowd, “We’re honored to help you pay your property taxes. Happy to do it.” According to POLITICO, Wilson then stood inside the church with “stacks of cash” and handed out bills to passersby.

Rauner’s team told Politico Rauner had already left the church when Wilson handed out the money and thus hadn’t violated any laws. They also claimed Rauner’s comment about being happy to pay attendees’ property taxes was in reference to Rauners work with Wilson’s private foundation and not in reference to the cash giveaways”

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