
Chicago Mayor’s Race Is Cast as a Test of Liberalism

Via The New York Times

CHICAGO — Mayor Rahm Emanuel had just finished the quintessential municipal politics photo op, briefly inspecting a dusty street-paving project on a block of the South Side lined with tidy brick bungalows.

As his opponent, Jesus G. Garcia, along with supporters in labor and the left, tried to paint Mr. Emanuel as the candidate of the “1 percent,” the mayor made sure to banter with hard-hatted city workers on this Tuesday afternoon before making his way to a waiting sport utility vehicle. But when a reporter asked him about a labor leader’s accusation that he is too sympathetic to corporations, the mayor’s playfulness gave way to an icy glare.

“What corporate children were getting a half-day of kindergarten?” Mr. Emanuel shot back, referring to one of his first term’s signature accomplishments: the expansion of kindergarten to a full day in all of the city’s public schools.

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