
Chicago Progressives Emboldened After Rahm Emanuel’s Super PAC Fails To Beat Them

Via the Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — Chicago voters re-elected Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a runoff race on April 7, the culmination of an expensive election campaign. But although Emanuel emerged from the runoff with a twelve-point victory over Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D), the mayor’s support on the city council shrunk as a number of strong allies lost re-election or found themselves fighting uphill battles in recounts.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. In 2014, Emanuel supporters created a super PAC called Chicago Forward that was designed to support the mayor, defeat the limited council opposition to his policies and protect pro-Emanuel incumbents in need of support. Despite backing at least 25 winners in the aldermanic elections, however, Chicago Forward failed in its ultimate goal: to cow those on the council who oppose Emanuel’s agenda.

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