Chuy Garcia leads by double-digits — BGA rips Rahm’s claim of Kennedy-King success — Possible Rahm challenger Garry McCarthy tries to distance himself from Trump
ICPR was mentioned in the Politico Illinois Playbook
Via – Politico
“Happy Monday morning, Illinois. During this pre-holiday week, I am handling Playbook for Natasha Korecki who is on vacation.
The first poll of the 2018 Democratic primary is out! According to Public Policy Polling, former Chicago mayoral challenger Jesus “Chuy” Garcia is leading the pack to replace U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez of the 4th District. More than half of likely Democratic voters (53 percent) are supporting Garcia while his five opponents only received single-digit favorable. About a third (27 percent) are undecided.
The majority of Garcia’s supporters, according to the poll, are Latinos (65 percent). His support is more or less split between the genders and also between those who live in Chicago (54 percent) and those who don’t (50 percent)”