RFI in the News

Complaint Filed Against Cash-Slinging Candidate

ICPR was mentioned in this article.

Via – Alton Daily News

“A political transparency organization has filed a complaint against a candidate for Chicago mayor who has held two money giveaways that the candidate said was to help potential voters pay their property tax bills.

Chicago businessman Willie Wilson held two events last week in which he gave away more than $300,000 to people lined up at a southside church. The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform filed a complaint with the Illinois State Board of Elections over the event.

The event was explained by Wilson as money coming from his foundation, the Dr. Willie Wilson Foundation, a fund the candidate has used to give away money in the past. The issue, ICPR, said, was the promotion of the event was by Wilson’s political campaign, allowing the candidate to benefit from the money without listing it as a donation to the campaign.”

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