
Contact your Cook County officials about the Cook County Clerk’s refusal to listen to 83% of Evanston voters and implement ranked-choice voting

Cook County Clerk Cedric Giles: Phone: 312-603-0931, Email: cedric.giles@cookcountyil.gov

Please CC Clerk Giles’ presumptive successor following November’s election: Monica.Gordon2@cookcountyil.gov

Evanston’s Cook County Commissioner Josina Morita: District Phone: 847-864-1209, Email: Josina.Morita@cookcountyil.gov

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle: Phone: 312-603-4600, Email: info@tonipreckwinkle.org

Here are all the email addresses aggregated in case you would like to send one email to everyone: cedric.giles@cookcountyil.gov, Monica.Gordon2@cookcountyil.gov, Josina.Morita@cookcountyil.gov, info@tonipreckwinkle.org.


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