Cook County Clerk calls for funding of Voter Registration Tech to Keep Voter Records Current
ICPR Executive Director Sarah Brune is quoted in this article
via Cook County Record
“CHICAGO – With the presidential election approaching this November, Cook County Clerk David Orr is calling for the state to keep its promise to fund a program to more efficiently keep voter registration records up to date.
Orr is asking the state to pay for Illinois’ membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). Through ERIC, the county would have access to voters’ names who have moved, died or need to be removed from voting rolls.
Orr said nearly 700,000 people in Illinois remain registered at addresses where they no longer reside. An additional 34,000 on voter rolls are deceased, he said, while 60,000 live in other states. All need to be purged from lists of eligible voters, Orr said.”