
Dem ground game targets Davis — A murky ethics ordinance — Schock shock

RFI Policy Director Alisa Kaplan was quoted in this article.

Via – Politico Illinois Playbook

A Cook County ethics ordinance says county officials running for office can’t accept political contributions exceeding $750 from companies that do business with the county. So what if a county employee runs for a political office in another municipality, like, say, mayor of Chicago? That’s the question that landed in POLITICO’s in box.

At issue: County Ethics Ordinance/Limits on Contributions (Sec. 2-585). It’s the same ordinance that got former Assessor Joe Berrios in trouble. He was found guilty of accepting contributions from law firms and companies involved in the property-tax appeal industry. He’s appealing the decision.

The ordinance states: “No person who does business with the county” shall make contributions exceeding $750 “to any local, state or federal political committee” that supports a candidate for county office or an elected county official.

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