
Democrats Like Bernie Sanders. They Just Don’t Think He Can Win.

Via Washington Post:

“Bernie Sanders has gotten further in the 2016 presidential than a 74-year old self-professed Democratic Socialist might reasonably expect. He’s ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, nearly bested her in fundraising over the past three months and is drawing crowds in the thousands everywhere he goes.

Despite all of those successes, Sanders still faces one major problem in this campaign: Huge majorities of Democrats don’t think he can win.

The new Washington Post-ABC News poll tells the story. Asked who they thought would win — no matter which candidate they supported — only one in 10 Democrats (11 percent) named Sanders. By contrast, 65 percent chose Clinton and 14 percent opted for Joe Biden — even though he’s not actually running just yet. Isolate just self-described liberals — who comprise Sanders’s base — in that same poll and the result doesn’t change much; 67 percent name Clinton as the party’s most likely nominee while 13 percent chose Sanders and 12 percent Biden.”

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