
End of Daley Era Paves Way for New Chicago Political Dynamic

Yesterday, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform (ICPR) hosted “Chicago Politics in Transition,” a forum to discuss the results of this week’s Chicago Runoff Election. The sold-out event was held at the Union League Club of Chicago. Panelists discussed the results, the impact of voter turnout, historical comparisons, statewide political implications, and the likely impact the Runoff will have on Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s second term.


In the past, reliance on machine politics, ward bosses, and precinct captains ensured a robust turnout. Throughout the discussion, panelists described the potential for a new political dynamic in Chicago, one where the old “machine politics” of the Daley era play a lesser role. While support for Commissioner Garcia was ultimately not sufficient to capture the majority, his presence on the ballot forced a new conversation on local issues, such as school closings, red light cameras, and fiscal transparency. 

Professor Paul Green of Roosevelt University believes that voters used this election to express opinions on a variety of issues. Green said, “Voters have made it clear that they want to be part of major financial decisions about the City’s future.” This will require the Mayor to follow through on campaign promises to listen and accept more public feedback.


Panelists included Jimm Dispensa of Aldertrack, Paul Green of Roosevelt University, Scott Kennedy of Illinois Election Data, Shari Runner of the Chicago Urban League, Jorge Sanchez of MALDEF, Hon. Dick Simpson of the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Tom Swiss of Ogden & Fry, and was moderated by Chris Robling of Clearspan Strategic.


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