
Governors Have Collected Millions In Presidential Campaign Contributions From State Contractors

Via ThinkProgress:

“New Jersey law currently prevents state contractors from giving more than $300 to statewide candidates’ campaigns. But that hasn’t stopped New Jersey contractors from donating more than $500,000 in total to the super PAC supporting Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) presidential campaign.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that campaigns and super PACs supporting Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) together have raised at least $2.5 million in donations from companies with state contracts or taxpayer subsidies in their states.

Although it’s legal for campaigns and super PACs to take money from state contractors — a practice that raises questions about potential conflicts of interest — more than a dozen states currently prohibit contractors from making contributions to candidates in state races, the WSJ reported.”

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