How to Close Dark Money Loophole in Illinois Political Campaigns
ICPR was mentioned in this article
via Chicago Sun-Times
“The ‘dark money’ pouring into Illinois political races needs a lot of sunlight.
Certain political nonprofits that have set themselves up as 501(c)(4)s, 501(c)(5)s or 501(c)(6)s — special categories that were intended for charities — can donate unlimited sums of so-called ‘dark money’ to campaigns without disclosing where they get their cash. They also don’t have to disclose how they spend their money. That allows any person or organization with deep pockets to sway government policy without any public scrutiny.
This kind of dark money didn’t used to be a problem in Illinois political races, but as campaign laws have been rewritten, particularly after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision, the floodgates have opened. But we can do something about it.”