
ICPR Voters Guessed Close on Dem. Race, but Surprised by Cruz

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The votes for Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton were neck-and-neck, but Hilary Clinton came out in the lead with 50.77% of the ICPR vote, and Bernie Sanders in second with 46.15%. As you may have read, the Caucus results were even closer than that; Clinton pulled in 49.9% of the vote, and Sanders 49.6%.

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Donald Trump and Ted Cruz garnered the majority of your prediction votes, with Trump receiving a decisive 57.14%, and Cruz just 20.63%. John Kasich and Marco Rubio tied for third place with 7.94% of the vote. The Iowa Caucus results were quite different: Ted Cruz won the majority with 27.6%, while Trump and Rubio narrowly came in second and third with 24.3% and 23.1% of the vote, respectively.

As one voter commented, “It all comes down to GOTV.” Another noted, “The pundits are never wrong!” Not so in this case. We’ll see if Cruz’s success in GOTV can extend to New Hampshire on Tuesday, February 9th.

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