
Illinois Democrats Propose Matching Political Contributions From Small Donors

The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform was mentioned in this article

via The Patch

“SPRINGFIELD, IL – A law that would limit political donations to $500 per candidate from each contributor as well as provide matching funds to small political donations at a cost of an estimated $1 per year for every resident of Illinois was proposed Thursday by Democratic Senator Daniel Biss.

“Life is getting harder for more and more Americans every day because people who are already doing well have all the power in government – powerful people who are shamefully out of touch with the people they represent,” said Biss as he announced Senate Bill 1424, dubbed the Small Donor Democracy Matching System for Fair Elections Act.

The law would set up system for matching small donations for every state election in Illinois, including governor, attorney general, comptroller, treasurer, secretary of state, state senators and state representatives.”

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