
In Illinois, a Fight Between Big Money and Grassroots Insurgencies Rages On

Executive Director Sarah Brune was quoted in this article.

Via – The Chicago Reporter

“In both major parties, Tuesday’s primary showed that the energy is coming from grassroots insurgencies at the expense of party establishments. My guess is that in both the short and long term, this is good for Democrats and bad for Republicans.

In the meantime, there’s still an outsized – and undemocratic – role being played by big money.

Gov. Bruce Rauner – who has been running TV commercials throughout his term in office – barely survived a challenge by conservative state Rep. Jeanne Ives, who mobilized the party base against Rauner’s social moderation on abortion and immigration. But those issues will not be at play in the general election, and Rauner has a lot of money to spend pushing his message promising tax cuts.”

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