
Illinois Law Aims to Rein in Unneeded Local Government Travel Costs

ICPR Executive Director Sarah Brune was quoted in this article

via Cook County Record

“SPRINGFIELD  —  The state of Illinois has moved to rein in the spending of the state’s local governments on employee travel – spending which some have criticized as wasteful of taxpayers’ dollars.

The law, the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act, which was recently signed by Gov. Bruce Rauner takes effect Jan. 1, 2017, placing restrictions on the travel, lodging and meal expenses made by employees of school districts, community colleges, counties, townships and other non-home rule entities.

‘These types of requirements are really helpful when they pertain to, especially, local government,’ Sarah Brune, executive director at the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, told the Cook County Record. ‘The clearer the law can be on whether it is an acceptable expenditure and what documentation is required the more likely there is to be transparency in this area. And it helps local government employees and board members as well, because they benefit from clearer requirements. It creates less opportunity for questionable expenses.'”

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