
Illinois Unions, Related Committees Among Biggest Contributors for July 4 Week

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via REBOOT Illinois

There was a total of $2.7 million in political contributions this week, which is more than double last week’s total of $1.2 million. $1 million of this week’s total was a transfer from the Illinois Republican Party to the House Republican Organization on July 1st. While transfers between candidate committees are capped at $53,900, political party committees are able to transfer unlimited funds to other political party committees at any time.

Susana Mendoza, the Democratic candidate for Illinois State Comptroller, was a top earner this week with $326,200 in reported contributions. A large chunk of her contributions this week came from organized labor. The International Union of Operating Engineers, The Construction & General Laborers’ District Council, and the Laborers’ Political League Education Fund all maxed out their contribution limits at $53,900 each.

The Senate Democratic Victory Fund was the third highest top earner for this week, bringing in a total of $217,400. Labor was also a major contributor to this committee, with the UA Political Education Committee and the Finishing Trades of Chicagodonating $53,900 and $50,000 respectively. 

Illinois State Board of Elections data shows that labor unions and union-related PACs transferred and contributed over $826,000 to Illinois political committees this week.

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