Illinois Voters Older, Getting Redder, Absent Too Often on Election Day
ICPR Executive Director Sarah Brune and the Illinois Voter Project are mentioned in this article
via Reboot Illinois
“New data compiled by the Illinois Voter Project identified three trends among Illinois voters: They’re mostly older, they’re moving from blue to red and there are far too few of them showing up at the polls.
The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, a political reform watchdog group that also operates the Illinois Sunshine political contribution database, created the Illinois Voter Project to paint a clear picture of Illinois voting trends and make that data available to the public.
The data comes from familiar places like the Illinois State Board of Elections, the U.S. Census and previous data compilations, including exit polls. But some of that information isn’t available to the public, and, often, what is available is all but incomprehensible to the average reader.”