RFI in the News

Kaegi Vows to Fix Broken Property Tax System

ICPR’s event recap article was reposted in the Suburban Chicagoland.

Via – Suburban Chicagoland

“Cook County assessor hopeful Fritz Kaegi, who bested incumbent Joseph Berrios in the Democratic primary, pledged to attendees of an Illinois Campaign for Political Reform event that the obscure yet critical office will be more transparent and accountable under his watch.

“You don’t need me to tell you what happens when government offices get corrupted for the political and economic benefit of the select few,” Kaegi said at the Aug. 22 “Show Us the Money” forum. “Ethical issues, a lack of transparency, pay to play, nepotism – these are all hallmarks of machine politics.”

Kaegi, an asset manager from Oak Park, beat two-term incumbent Berrios, then head of the Cook County Democratic Party, with 45% of the vote in a three-way March primary. Kaegi repeatedly criticized Berrios for overseeing an unfair property tax assessment system while he hired relatives and took campaign cash from lawyers doing business with the office. Kaegi spent more than $2 million in the race, most of it his own money.”

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