
LaHood Talks Ethics in Macomb Campaign Stop

Via The McDonough County Voice


On the last stop of a quick two-day tour, state Sen. Darin LaHood brought along a similar rhetoric — touting broad plans to focus on agriculture and infrastructure in Congress — to Macomb this week as he had during his last visit March 21.

The appearance on Macomb’s Courthouse Square Tuesday came on the heels of now former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock’s resignation, which became effective Tuesday after weeks of reported misspending in the congressman’s office. LaHood, R-Dunlap, has formally announced his candidacy to succeed Schock; others — most notably former congressman, Bobby Schilling, and state representative, Jil Tracy — had said they were considering a run, but have recently opted out.

While in Macomb in March for the McDonough County Republicans Lincoln Day Dinner, LaHood made mention of his support for term limits. And on Tuesday, he elaborated on what has been his pillar for “good government, ethics and transparency” to “improve our image in Illinois.”

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