
Mayor O’Dekirk Has $146,000 Re-Election Campaign War Chest

ICPR and the Illinois Sunshine database were mentioned in this article

Via – Joliet Patch

“Around Illinois, it’s practically impossible to win a high-profile elected office without having name recognition and a sizable campaign war chest. With the March 20 Illinois primaries only a couple weeks away, interest in local political races around Will County is heating up. Political yard signs are sprouting up near major intersections like dandelions. Now also marks a great time to look ahead to one of next year’s most important races in Will County. In April of 2019 voters of Joliet will decide the city’s mayor. Joliet’s first-term mayor, Bob O’Dekirk, is a former Joliet police officer who became a lawyer. Besides being mayor, he operates the downtown Joliet law firm of O’Dekirk, Allred & Associates.

In April 2015, O’Dekirk, a Joliet city councilman, ousted incumbent Mayor Tom Giarrante, the former long-time president of Joliet Firefighters Local 44, in Giarrante’s bid for a second four-year term as mayor. Officially, O’Dekirk has not formally announced his candidacy for a second four-year term. On the other spectrum, no one has announced their plans to challenge O’Dekirk in next year’s mayoral race.”

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