
Mike Madigan pulls in $358,000 — in one weekend

From Crain’s Chicago Business

Unlike Illinois Republicans, he doesn’t have a sugar daddy with super-deep pockets to depend on. But Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan doesn’t need one. As if there ever were any doubt.

Campaign disclosure reports filed over the weekend indicate Mr. Madigan is doing just fine in the contest for campaign cash, even though he doesn’t have a super-donor such as Bruce Rauner. The GOP gubernatorial nominee gave the Illinois Republican Party $750,000 a few weeks ago and has spread around additional hundreds of thousands in direct contributions to individual legislative candidates.

On just March 13 and 14 — those disclosures came out this morning — committees controlled by the speaker took in a cool $358,000, by my count. (Thanks to my colleague Paul Merrion for passing on the reports.)

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