
Murdered Man’s Demolition Firm Hired by Rosemont, Regularly Gave to Mayor’s Campaign

ICPR Board Chair Susan Garrett was quoted in this article

via the Daily Herald

“A troubled construction company hired multiple times for demolitions in Rosemont was a major contributor to its mayor’s election campaigns.

Bradley Stephens received more than $80,000 in donations from Omega Demolition Corp. since becoming Rosemont’s mayor in 2007, according to state records. Stephens said there is no conflict of interest, but one political watchdog called the situation an ethical dilemma.

Elgin-based Omega handled a $212,725 demolition job for Rosemont in 2014. The company was recently fined by federal regulators after an I-90 bridge beam collapsed and killed a worker April 5 in Des Plaines, while working on a different contract. In a separate occurrence, Chicago police are investigating the Sept. 23 homicide of Omega’s co-owner, James D. Gerage of Barrington Hills.”

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