
Op-Ed: Mikva’s Lesson On Democracy Resonates Today

ICPR’s September Summit is mentioned in this article

via Progress Illinois

“I grew up 4 blocks away from Abner Mikva’s house in Evanston. In the late 70’s, my contact with then Congressman Mikva was limited to trips to his house on Halloween when he or one of his family members would hand out full size Hershey bars to the neighborhood ghosts and pirates. I appreciated his largess so much that one year I changed out of my cardboard robot costume and came back to his door as “boy in wrangler jeans with metallic silver face paint” just to get another one of those jumbo chocolate bars.

As a member of a not-very-political Evanston family, I made the understandable mistake of assuming that the exclamation mark at the end of the myriad Mikva! tee-shirts worn by every third person in Evanston was in recognition of his confectionery generosity.”

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