Political Contributions: Where it Comes From, Where it Goes
ICPR’s Illinois Sunshine site was mentioned in this article
via REBOOT Illinois
“See All of the Money in Contested Illinois Comptroller and General Assembly Races. All Data is Updated Daily from the State Board of Elections.
In 2015, more than $180 million was spent on Illinois political contributions. This year, Illinois has already seen over $90 million in contributions, with a major campaign season yet to come. That’s why we run Illinois Sunshine, a site labeled one of the ’10 websites every Illinoisan should bookmark’ by Reboot Illinois. It’s a comprehensive resource for all campaign contributions, expenditures, and ad buys by Super PACs in the state of Illinois.
Those who follow state politics know how difficult it can be to get up-to-date information on campaign spending quickly and accurately during the throes of a Primary or General Election. To continue our mission of increasing transparency in campaign finance reporting in Illinois, we are now launching the Illinois Sunshine Contested State Races Page.”