POLITICO Illinois Playbook: 911 Tapes in MCDONALD shooting – AG MADIGAN Puts Brakes on Fantasy Wagering – ‘BLACK CHRISTMAS’ Arrives
via Politico, 12.24.2015
“Merry Christmas Eve. Anyone hoping things would slow down this week was sadly mistaken.
The city released 911 radio traffic on Wednesday from the night of Laquan McDonald’s shooting to POLITICO following a Freedom of Information request.
Some takeaways:
— There was overall calm in the minutes leading up to additional squads being called to the scene.
— There were repeated requests for a Taser, from an officer and the dispatcher, who is heard asking ‘anybody close? … Looking for a Taser, armed offender … anybody close yet?’
— A dispatcher asks officers to notify her when McDonald was in custody. Then an officer can be heard frantically calling out police gunfire. Then there’s a call for an ambulance.
— The Office of Emergency Management and Communications bleeped out portions of the radio traffic, citing privacy over identifying information.”