
PRESS RELEASE: Illinois Campaign for Political Reform Urges General Assembly to Act This Week on Two Key Voting Reforms

Contact: Susan Garrett or David Melton, ICPR, 312-436-1274

ssgarrett@gmail.com Drmelton@reformforillinois.org

Illinois Campaign for Political Reform Urges General Assembly to Act This Week on Two Key Voting Reforms


May 28, 2014

As the Illinois General Assembly’s spring session draws to a close this week, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform (ICPR) issued the following statement from its Board Chair, former State Senator Susan Garrett, urging passage of election reforms:

The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform urges the General Assembly to enact two simple yet important measures this week to simplify and improve the state’s voting processes and allow more eligible voters to participate in elections.

1. Extend the grace period for voters to register or to fix any problems with registrations prior to elections. Under current law, voters can do so up to three days prior to Election Day at county clerks’ offices. Ideally, this reform would be accomplished by allowing voters to register or update their registrations at any time up to and including Election Day. Technological advances make it possible to avoid disenfranchising legitimate voters who may have forgotten to update their registrations, while still ensuring the integrity of those votes and preventing voter fraud. At the very least, we urge lawmakers to adopt an alternative plan circulating in Springfield – a pilot project aimed at moving Illinois closer to same day voter registration.

2. Authorize Illinois’ participation in the multi-state effort to coordinate and update voter registration lists, known as the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). This nonprofit group is working to update the accuracy of voter registration lists by comparing information from participating states – including voter data, motor vehicle records, address changes and Social Security death records.

These are not controversial or partisan issues. They simply would ensure the accuracy of voter registration lists and enfranchise more eligible voters. A “yes” vote on same-day registration and joining the Electronic Registration Information Center ought to be a clear and easy choice for Illinois lawmakers of both parties.

The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform is a non-partisan public interest group that conducts research and advocates reforms to promote public participation in government, address the role of money in politics and encourage integrity, accountability, and transparency in government. For more information about ICPR, please visit www.ilcampaign.org.

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