
Rank-and-File State Lawmakers Frustrated by Illinois Budget Impasse Meet Privately

ICPR’s forum “Illinois Budget: Defining & Funding the Essential Priorities” is mentioned in this article

via The Courier

“CHICAGO — Frustrated by a state budget impasse stretching into its 10th month, rank-and-file Illinois lawmakers are meeting in bipartisan groups to discuss potential solutions.

Some legislators spoke about their efforts Monday at a forum hosted by The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, saying the goal is to present plans to legislative leaders in hopes of resolving the stalemate between Democrats who control the legislature and Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.

State Reps. William Davis, a Homewood Democrat, and Republican Robert Pritchard of Hinckley said they recently attended a lawmaker gathering in suburban Chicago to discuss tactics. Aside from noting revenue and reforms are in the mix, they declined to discuss specific proposals because they’re in the initial phases.”

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