Rauner Admin and AFSCME Clash Over Memo Highlighting Pay Plan
ICPR Board Chair Susan Garrett is quoted in this article.
via Illinois News Network
“Illinois’ governor proposing rewarding state workers who take fewer sick days is causing the state’s largest employees union to cry foul. A memo the governor’s office sent to agency directors lays out a plan to offer what the governor’s office says is merit pay. However, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees tells the Capitol Fax Blog the governor’s plan is quote “cronyism and favoritism.” In the response about the governor’s pay plan AFSCME’s Anders Lindall says the proposal is ripe for abuse and is quote “downright discriminatory toward working parents and anyone who gets sick or injured.” Lindall questions if a plan to not give pay increase to anyone missing seven or more days in one year would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act. Rauner Chief of Staff for Communications Mike Schrimpf fired back saying that’s misinformation and the plan would actually reward employees who miss fewer than a designated number of assigned work days. Schrimpf says assigned work days does not include approved absences for vacation or leave, including FMLA leave. The governor’s office says AFSCME doesn’t let facts get in the way of trying to scare their members and it’s another sign of why there’s been so little movement at the bargaining table. It’s been over six months since the state’s contract with the union has expired as both sides continue under a tolling agreement.
The latest back-and-forth between Governor Bruce Rauner’s administration and the state’s largest employees union isn’t just generating heated words between the chief executive’s office and AFSCME, strong words are also flying between a couple of Representatives. After the Rauner administration sent a memo to various state agencies about a proposal for merit pay, Hillsdale Democratic Representative Mike Smiddy questioned the governor’s overall approach at the bargaining table.”