
Rauner, Quinn shatter Illinois fundraising record, funding barrage of attack ads

Via Chicago Tribune

Republican Bruce Rauner and Democrat Pat Quinn are on pace to spend more than $100 million on the Illinois governor’s race, doubling the state’s previous record in a closely watched contest featuring heavy investment by business and labor.

As of Wednesday evening, Rauner had collected $63.75 million and Quinn had raised $29.3 million — the balance tilted to the Republican side largely because the Winnetka equity investor has dipped into his own fortune for $26.1 million.

The breakneck campaign fundraising has fueled a seemingly endless loop of attack ads on TV, radio and websites and illustrated the high stakes not only in Illinois but also nationally as Democrats try to protect Barack Obama’s home state from a Republican incursion that would create embarrassment for the White House and a further eroding of the president’s lame-duck political status.

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