
Rauner’s ethics reform plan targets lobbyists, lawmakers

Via the State Journal Register

By Sophia Tareen
The Associated Pres

Posted Sep. 17, 2014

CHICAGO — Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner released a proposal for ethics reform Wednesday that included a temporary ban on Illinois officials becoming lobbyists and broadening recall powers, ideas political experts called a step in the right direction but difficult to implement.

In his first bid for public office, Rauner has made promises to fight corruption a theme in trying to unseat Gov. Pat Quinn. Calling the Chicago Democrat a “corrupt career politician,” Rauner outlined how he’d change the Illinois Constitution to allow legislators to be expelled more than once for the same reason and reiterated his push to prohibit legislative leaders from other employment.

His proposed one-year lobbyist ban would include chiefs of staff and legislators, along with those who were already lobbyists and wanted to work in state government.

“This revolving door of cronyism and corruption rewards a select group of insiders at the expense of the taxpayer,” he told reporters.

Rauner’s plan also called for an online list of politically connected hires, a move that comes as Quinn has come under fire for hiring problems at his Department of Transportation. The Nov. 4 matchup between Rauner and Quinn, who is seeking a second full term, is one of the most competitive governor’s races nationwide.

Illinois Campaign for Political Reform chairwoman Susan Garrett called Rauner’s blueprint important in light of Illinois’ history with corruption. However, she said how things would be executed matters. For one, she questioned limiting the day jobs of legislators, who might rely on outside income.

“More details should be attached to the plan,” she said. “It’s a good first start.”

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