
Romanik Pumps $125,000 of his Own Money into his Campaign for State Representative

via Belleville News-Democrat

“Bob Romanik, a Republican candidate for state representative of District 114, which includes East St. Louis, O’Fallon and Shiloh, donated $125,000 to his campaign last week, according the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The donation is the first for his campaign and the largest one in the state for the week of Jan. 7 through Jan. 14, according to the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, which tracks State Board data.

Romanik, the host of a local radio talk show, ‘On the Dark Side’ on 1190 AM, said he planned to use at least $200,000 more of his own money on his campaign. He said he intends to donate to the Freedom Coalition, a political action committee which was founded almost a year ago, and to other candidates who run against what he described was a ‘culture of corruption’ in the area.”

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