Small Donor Matching: The Pope Agrees!
Throughout the effort to enact campaign finance reform through a small donor matching system, many important leaders have shown their support for making this idea a reality in our state. In a recent interview with a Catholic news site, Pope Francis also voiced his support for a public campaign finance system!
Pope Francis began by noting the main issue with big money in politics, stating, “In the financing of electoral campaigns, many interests get into the mix…and then they send you the bill.” When special interests set the agenda, taxpayers pay the price. A small donor matching system would elevate the role of the taxpayer in campaigns by increasing the power of their contributions.
Even Pope Francis knows that public financing restores power to the people. He continues, “Perhaps public financing would allow for me, the citizen, to know that I’m financing each candidate with a given amount of money.” The end result, he says, is that “everything would be transparent and clean.”
Don’t forget about our upcoming “Chicago Politics in Transition” forum, which will discuss the power of money, power, and shifting influences in the politics of our city and state. Experts will analyze the upcoming runoff election results and dissect who won, how, and what it means for voters.
Click here to view the invitation and purchase your tickets today.