
Springfield’s #MeToo Moment is Missing Something: Men

ICPR’s event “Addressing Sexual Harassment in Illinois Government” was mentioned in this article.

Via – Crain’s Chicago Business

“I was attending a panel discussion last month on Illinois statehouse sexual harassment sponsored by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. The panel was impressive: three state senators (one from Rhode Island), two state representatives including Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie and a former Illinois Legislative Inspector General, all moderated by a former state senator. All were women, except the former LIG. And the audience was overwhelmingly female, something that is uncommon for lunchtime political gabfests in downtown Chicago.

Unfortunately, this audience and panel pretty accurately reflects the proportion of women and men among activists on this issue in Illinois.

Who cares about this gender imbalance among sexual harassment activists? I do, because men need to be actively involved in today’s sexual harassment policy discussions.”

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