
State Election Board Wants Mautino Explanation

ICPR Board Chair Susan Garrett is quoted in this article

via My Web Times

“A state agency is seeking former state Rep. Frank Mautino’s ‘clarification’ on the more than $250,000 he paid to a Spring Valley bank since 1999.

Mautino, who is now the state’s auditor general, listed Spring Valley City Bank as the recipient of $259,000 in campaign money, even though the purpose listed in documents for the spending was for everything from food to travel.

‘They are clearly not expenditures to the bank,’ said Tom Newman, director of campaign disclosure for the state Board of Elections.

The board has sought an explanation from the now-disbanded campaign committee, which was headed by Mautino, D-Spring Valley, Newman said. The committee may amend its reports or reply with a letter of explanation, he said.”

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