State Schools See Bigger Enrollment Drops than Neighbors Amid Impasse
ICPR’s news update on university enrollment rates was mentioned in this article
via NWI Times
“SPRINGFIELD — After going nearly a year without receiving any state funding, Illinois’ small and midsize public universities saw enrollment declines this fall that were among the largest for comparable schools across the region, according to a new survey of enrollment data
Reviewing fall enrollment figures for 57 public institutions in Illinois and six neighboring states, the nonpartisan Illinois Campaign for Political Reform found that Illinois’ small and midsize schools “show falling enrollment numbers that are not on trend with similarly sized schools in the region.”
With a 7.5 percent drop this year compared with last, Southern Illinois University Carbondale was at the bottom of the pack among midsize schools, defined those enrolling between 10,000 and 20,000 students. Western Illinois University fared only slightly better, with a 6.5 percent decline.”