
‘Super PAC to end all super PACs’ rakes in donations


One prominent campaign finance reformer is out to curb the influence of Super PACs on politics. How? By starting a Super PAC of his own, of course.

Lawrence Lessig’s plan may make for some cheap headlines about hypocrisy. But judging from the response from donors, the idea isn’t nearly as crazy as it sounds.

Lessig, a Harvard professor, technology theorist and longtime advocate of getting big money out of politics, launched his “super PAC to end all super PACs,” which he named Mayday PAC, on May Day. Just over two months later, Lessig announced in an online letter to supporters that Mayday had reached its goal of $6 million for the period, through nearly 50,000 supporters. That money will be matched by a stable of wealthy donors—their identities haven’t yet been revealed—for a $12 million total.

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