
“That’s All Lovely,” Major Donor/Spender Gov. Rauner Says Of Campaign Finance Transparency

ICPR Executive Director Sarah Brune was quoted in this article

via NPR Chicago

“Some of the primary races in early March were the most expensive in state history, but it will remain a mystery where all of the money to fund them came from. That does not appear to concern Gov.Bruce Rauner.

All told, $10 million was spent on just two races for the legislature.

Gov. Rauner himself — or his campaign fund anyway — shoveled much of the money into those record-spending primaries (both of the candidates Rauner spent most heavily on — Democratic Rep. Ken Dunkin, D-Chicago, and state tropper Bryce Benton, who challenged Republican Senator Sam McCann — ended up losing). It’s hard to tell just how much. Contributions to certain groups, which are organized as non-profits, don’t have to be disclosed.”

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