
These States Are Contributing The Most To The 2016 Candidates

Via InsideGov:

“The 2016 election is shaping up to be one of the most expensive presidential races in U.S. history. As of July 15, the candidates have raised more than $125 million from direct campaign contributions and $257 million from super PACs, according to the Federal Election Commission.

In general, spending in U.S. elections has increased over the last decade. OpenSecrets estimates that $1.4 billion was raised in the 2000 presidential election cycle. That number jumped to over $2.6 billion in the 2012 election and could hit $5 billion in 2016. For reference, the two main political parties in the United Kingdom raised less than $13 million over their 2015 election.

Clearly, money is a major part of American politics. But how do these fundraising numbers play out on a national scale? Using data from the FEC, InsideGov broke down the individual campaign contributions by state, looking specifically at the average amount per donor. Note that these numbers only include direct campaign donations, not super PAC totals.”

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