
Tom Kacich | County Clerk on Board with Voting-Center Bill

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Via – The News Gazette

“November’s general election could be the last one in Champaign County under the current voting system of dozens of polling places that are open and staffed for one or two days per election.

Champaign County Clerk Gordy Hulten is hoping, again, that Illinois lawmakers are willing to try out the voting center concept that’s already in use in 13 states, including Indiana, Iowa, Colorado and Texas.

“I think Champaign County voters in increasing numbers are indicating a preference to vote at large, centrally-located universal voting locations, whether they do so during early voting or on Election Day,” Hulten said last week. “There are discussions in the Legislature to potentially allow jurisdictions to opt into a vote center-type model going forward, potentially in 2019.”‘

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