
My Turn: Let’s kick big money out of American politics

Via Concord Monitor

Five years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Citizens United ruling, big-money campaign donors have amassed unprecedented political power and their corrosive influence on our government is growing. Just last month, billionaires Charles and David Koch announced plans to commit nearly $900 million to the 2016 election. That’s almost as much as the Romney and Obama campaigns combined spent during the last presidential election.

In the first days of this year’s new Congress, we’ve already seen a litany of bills that do favors for Big Oil and other special interests. These aren’t the kinds of proposals that Granite Staters care about – like legislation that would help hard-working families earn a bigger paycheck, obtain a decent education or retire with dignity. That’s what Congress should be focusing on. But unfortunately, special interests too often call the shots in Washington.

But there is reason for hope. Most people who run for public office do so out of a sincere desire to help others and to make a difference in their community. Many are deeply frustrated by the outsized role of money in politics and long to restore Congress’s credibility with the public. To do this, we must empower everyday Americans to take back our democracy.

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