
When Using Village Credit Cards, Glenview Officials Often Fail to Properly Track Meal Purchases, Records Show

ICPR was mentioned in this article.

Via – The Chicago Tribune

On Nov. 6, 2014, Glenview Television volunteers sat down for a meal of skirt steak, pizza, macaroni and cheese and chocolate cake at Wildfire. Two weeks later, high-ranking village officials spent another $2,769.40 on food and drinks at Wildfire for an event attended by about 80 people.

The two Wildfire charges and the ways in which they were documented are emblematic of Glenview’s approach to how village-issued credit card usage is tracked and recorded.

For hundreds of meal purchases over a three-year period, officials failed to list required information about the purpose of events and the names of attendees. Alcohol was purchased with village-issued cards for elected officials. While officials say policies should be followed, some said additional oversight or changes to the credit card policy was “not a priority.”

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