Voice of The Southern: Know What You’re Reading
Illinois Sunshine was mentioned in this article
via The Southern Illinoisan
“As a rule, The Southern’s Editorial Board does not attack fellow journalism publications. So, should this editorial reflect negatively on the Southwest Illinois News publication some of our readers are getting in the mail, this Editorial Board can confidently say that rule has not been broken.
Does it look like a newspaper? For the most part, yeah. It’s got a masthead, some stories on the front page, an index, a community calendar, an editorial – why, it even has a sports page.
Let’s get this out of the way. We reported back in June that the ‘about us’ section of the publication’s website stated that the print version was being funded by Liberty Principles PAC, whose chairman is conservative Chicago radio talk show host Dan Proft. Gov. Bruce Rauner has been a major supporter of the PAC, according to the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform’s Illinois Sunshine.
The ‘about us’ section doesn’t seem to contain that information, anymore. However, it still reads that ‘Funding for the publication comes, in part, from advocacy groups that share beliefs in limited government.'”