
Whatever the Number is, It’s Still Pretty Darned High

ICPR’s Illinois Sunshine update was mentioned in this post

via Capitol Fax

“* From the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform

‘Political contributions and transfers in Illinois for 2016 have now surpassed $100 million, nearing total amounts contributed in previous Presidential Election years.
In 2012 and 2008, there were $171 million and $151 million in contributions and transfers respectively. Years with Gubernatorial Elections tend to see more state level contributions, with over $340 million in 2014 and over $277 million in 2010.

The Illinois Republican Party spent over $130,000 on independent expenditures during the last two weeks. The money went towards advertisements for 11 challengers of Democratic incumbents in the House and Senate. No independent expenditures have been made on behalf of the Democrats in those races.

The Citizens to Protect Transportation Funding, a ballot initiative committee, continued an upward fundraising trend this week. On Monday, the committee received $300,000 donation from Excavators, Inc and a $50,000 donation from Southern Illinois Construction Advancement Program. Those donations alone doubled the committee’s total funds from two weeks ago when there was a pick up in their fundraising. The group, which was founded in late June, already has $827,000 in available funds. They support an amendment that would create a lockbox for transportation funds.’

The key word here is “transfers.” Transfers are just what they sound like: One campaign committee transfers money to another campaign committee. So, most transfers aren’t really “new” money. It’s money already in the system being moved around.

* So, I asked for the breakdown and here’s their response…

‘Since January 1st of 2016, there has been just over $54 million in contributions, $38 million in transfers, $6 million in loans to committees, and $4 million in in-kind contributions. That’s how we arrive at the total of roughly $102 million as of today – an updated number from yesterday’s $1.7 million.’

So, the “new” money total is more like $64 million, including contributions, loans, and in-kinds.

* But look at how this year – so far – compares to previous presidential election years…


– $38 million in individual contributions
– $17 million in transfers
– $4.7 million in loans
– $3.5 million in in-kinds
Total of $63.2 million


– $36 million in contributions
– $16.8 million in transfers
– $5 million in loans
– $3 milion in in-kinds
Total of $60.8 million

It’s a whole new world, campers.”


View article here


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